Đề thi môn Tiếng Anh B1 năm học 2008

1. The telephone was invented .Alexander Bell.

A. with B. on C. by D. from

2. You must be .when doing this test.

A. carefully B. care C. careful D. careless

3. We want .my English.

A. to improve B. improving C. improved D. improve

4. We feel very .today.

A. happy B. happiness C. happily D. happen

5. Where .you go if you have a car ?

A. would B. have C. will D. did

6. He is the man .helped me yesterday.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

7. The car .she has just bought is very modern.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

8. I’m very .that I will go to Dalat tomorrow.

A. excite B. excited C. excitedly D. exciting

9. He .to write to me once a week but he doesn’t write any more.

A. use B. uses C. used D. using

10. These clothes need .immediately.

A. washed B. be washed C. to wash D washing

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Đề thi môn Tiếng Anh B1 năm học 2008
In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle 
the letter A, B, C or D against the number of each item 1-20 for the word or phrase you 
choose. (20 points) 
1. The telephone was invented.Alexander Bell. 
A. with B. on C. by D. from 
2. You must be.when doing this test. 
 A. carefully B. care C. careful D. careless 
3. We want.my English. 
 A. to improve B. improving C. improved D. improve 
4. We feel very.today. 
 A. happy B. happiness C. happily D. happen 
5. Where.you go if you have a car ? 
 A. would B. have C. will D. did 
6. He is the man.helped me yesterday. 
 A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 
7. The car.she has just bought is very modern. 
 A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 
8. I’m very.that I will go to Dalat tomorrow. 
 A. excite B. excited C. excitedly D. exciting 
9. He.to write to me once a week but he doesn’t write any more. 
 A. use B. uses C. used D. using 
10. These clothes need.immediately. 
 A. washed B. be washed C. to wash D washing 
11. Are you proud.your country and its traditions ? 
 A. about B. on C. of D. for 
12. One of my friends said she.learning English with her teacher. 
 A. like B. has liked C. liked D. will like 
13. She asked me. 
 A. where did I come from ? B. where I came from ? 
 C. where did I come from . D. where I came from. 
14. The woman often writes poems or stories, .? 
 A. does she B. doesn’t she C. does he D. doesn’t he 
15. She remembered.the gas before going out. 
 A. turning on B. turning off C. burning on D. burning 
16. We haven’t met since we. 
 A. left school B. leave C. have left D. had left 
17. What is the.of your country ? - About 80 million people. 
 A. addition B. population C. option D. choice 
18. .do you prefer, country life or city life ? 
Số phách : 
 A. What B. Where C. How D. Which 
19. There were.flowers that I couldn’t decide what to buy. 
 A. so many B. so few C. so little D. so much 
20. She was.tired that she couldn’t do anything at all. 
 A. such B. so C. very D. too 
In this section you will find after the reading passage a number of questions of unfinished 
statements about the passage , each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing . You 
must choose the one which you think fits best (10 points) 
 Sleep is very important to human beings. An average person spends 220,000 hours of his life 
sleeping. Until about 30 years ago, no one knew much about sleep, although doctors and scientists 
have done research in sleep laboratories, they have learnt a great deal by studying people as they are 
sleeping, but there is still much that they don’t understand. Sleeping is a biological need, but your 
brain never really sleeps. It is never actually blank. The things that were on your mind during the day 
are still there at night. They appear as dreams which people have discussed for years. Sometimes 
people believed that dreams had magical powers or that they could tell the future. You may have sweet 
dreams or nightmares. 
 Sleep is very important to humans. We spend one third of our life sleeping, so we need to 
understand everything we can about sleep. 
21. How long does an average person sleep during his life time ? 
 A. 220,000 hours B. a third of our life 
 C. 30 years D. A and B are correct 
22. Doctors and scientists. 
 A. don’t know anything about sleep. 
B. have learnt much about sleep 
 C. think there is still things that they don’t understand. 
 D. B and C are correct 
23. Sleeping is a..need. 
 A. human B. physical C. psychological D. biological 
24. When we sleep, .. 
 A. our brain sleeps too. B. our brain still works. 
 C. our brain doesn’t work any more. D. our brain is quite blank 
25. Dreams are things.. 
 A. that appear when we sleep. B. that never appear when we sleep 
 C. that were on our mind during the day D. that are called nightmares 
PAPER TWO : USE OF ENGLISH ( 60 minutes ) 
In this section you must find a word to complete the numbered blanks in the passage below. 
Use only ONE word for each blank. (15 points ) 
 I have several good friends but I suppose that my best friend is Ellen. We have been friends 
with each other (26)we were very young because she used (27) live next door 
to me. We have always been in the same (28) at school although she has always been 
much cleverer (29) me. Anyway, I have always (30)  better at sport than she 
is. I always beat her at tennis and she does (31) like that. In fact, she hates losing at 
anything and gets (32) annoyed if she does. That’s the thing that I do not like 
(33)her. Otherwise, she has a great sense of humour and she is always making me (34) 
We get on very well together, although sometimes we have had arguments usually about 
silly little things . Ellen and her family moved to another district last year (35) I still see 
her a lot. 
Make all changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and 
phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter. (10 points) 
Dear Sir, 
36. Three months ago/ I / buy / new washing machine / your shop. 
37. Machine / give me / good service / since / I / buy / until yesterday. 
38. I/ sorry / tell you / something / go wrong / it / now. 
39. There / be / strange noise / come / machine/ and it / not work. 
40. You / please / send / engineer / look it ? 
41. I / be / home / mornings / all / week / until one p.m. 
42. I / glad / you / come / before / end / week. 
43. Thank/ very much. 
 Yours sincerely, 
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the 
sentence printed before it. (5 points) 
44. They have worked in that factory since 2001. 
 They started.. 
45. “ Who puts the salt in my cup of coffee ?” asked Peter. 
 Peter asked 
46. She enjoys going swimming. 
 She is interested in 
47. She couldn’t join us because she was busy. 
 She was busy, so  
58. She wants them to sing a song. 
 She suggests they. 
COMPOSITION : (10 points ) 
PART I. Listen and fill in the missing information. ( 10 points ) 
 Tet or the Lunar new year holiday is the (1)important (2) in Vietnam. 
Tet is a joyful festival (3) occurs in (4) January or early February. It is a time 
(5) for families to clean and decorate their houses, wear new (6) and enjoy 
special (7)  such as sticky rice (8) Family members (9) live apart 
try to be together (10) Tet. 
PART II. Listen and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
 ( 10 points ) 
 T F 
Số phách 
1. B 6. B 11. D 16.A 
2. B 7. A 12. D 17. D 
3. A 8. D 13. C 18. D 
4. A 9. B 14. A 19. A 
5. D 10.D 15. A 20. A 
 1 mark for each correct answer . Total : 20 
21. D 22. A 23. D 24 C 25. B 
 2 marks for each correct answer. Total : 10 
 Total marks for paper one : 30 
 26. city 27. very 28. live 29. of 30. has 
 31. are 32. and 33. for 34. food 35. the 
 1.5 marks for each correct word. Total : 15 
36. I arrived in Hanoi at 5 o’clock yesterday morning. 
37. I am staying at a nice hotel. 
38. It is not far from the city centre. 
39. I have already seen Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum and some places of interest here. 
40. Tomorrow I’m going on a trip to Ha Long bay. 
41. I have never been there before. 
42. I’m so excited about the trip that I cannot sleep. 
43. I’ll be home on Sunday, Nov 10th. 
44. I’ll tell you more about the trip when I’m in Hue. 
45. I hope you are both well. 
1 mark for each correct sentence. Total : 10 
46. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again. 
47. We enjoy lying on the beach all day. 
48. Would you like to go for a walk ? 
49. “ What’s your name ?” she asked. 
49. She asked me what my name was. 
50. I wish Mike were here. 
 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total : 5 
COMPOSITION : 10 marks 
Total marks for paper two : 40 
PART 1 : 
1. center 2. peaceful 3. vegetables 4. famous 5. fresh 
6.feel 7.carpet 8.villagers 9.walk 10. flowers 
 1 mark for each correct answer. Total : 10 
PART 2 : 
1. T 2.F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. F 10. T 
 1 mark for each correct answer. Total : 10 
 Total mark for paper three : 20 
PAPER 4 : INTERVIEW : 10 marks 
Total marks for the Test : 100 

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