Đề thi môn Tiếng Anh B1 năm học 2007

1. Robert .in three movies already. I'm sure he'll be a star some day.

A. appeared B. had appeared C. has appeared D. has been appearing

2. The child hurt himself badly when he fell .the bedroom window.

A. out of B. out from C. down D. over

3. Is Dr Brown the person .you wish to speak ?

A. that B. whom C. to that D. to whom

4. Have you finished .the office for that new client ?

A. to design B. designing C. designed D. having designed

5. He advised his daughter not .at an early age.

A. marrying B. being married C. to marry D. to have been married

6. If you could read a book during the traffic jam, it .be so bad, but of course

it .impossible.

A. wouldn't/is B. won't/ is C. couldn't/were D. can't was

7. My little sister won't go with us .our mother goes too.

A. if B. if not C. unless D. otherwise

8. The is full of hot jasmine tea. It smells .

A. teacup/ good B. teacup/ well C. cup of tea/ good D. cup of tea/ well

9. " When can I have my car back ?" - " I think it'll late this afternoon.

A. finish B. be finished C. have finished D. be finish

10. I think I .better go now.

A. had B. would C. did D. am

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Đề thi môn Tiếng Anh B1 năm học 2007
In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle 
the letter A, B, C or D against the number of each item 1-20 for the word or phrase you choose. 
 (20 points) 
1. Robert.in three movies already. I'm sure he'll be a star some day. 
 A. appeared B. had appeared C. has appeared D. has been appearing 
2. The child hurt himself badly when he fell.the bedroom window. 
 A. out of B. out from C. down D. over 
3. Is Dr Brown the person.you wish to speak ? 
 A. that B. whom C. to that D. to whom 
4. Have you finished .the office for that new client ? 
 A. to design B. designing C. designed D. having designed 
5. He advised his daughter not.at an early age. 
 A. marrying B. being married C. to marry D. to have been married 
6. If you could read a book during the traffic jam, it.be so bad, but of course 
 A. wouldn't/is B. won't/ is C. couldn't/were D. can't was 
7. My little sister won't go with us.our mother goes too. 
 A. if B. if not C. unless D. otherwise 
8. Theis full of hot jasmine tea. It smells. 
 A. teacup/ good B. teacup/ well C. cup of tea/ good D. cup of tea/ well 
9. " When can I have my car back ?" - " I think it'lllate this afternoon.. 
 A. finish B. be finished C. have finished D. be finish 
10. I think I.better go now. 
 A. had B. would C. did D. am 
11. Would you mind.these plates a wipe before.them in the cupboard ? 
 A. giving/ putting B. doing / laying C. to give/ to put D. to do/ to lay 
12. We have to leave before six and so 
 A. have you B. you have C. you do D. do you 
13. I had to drive home to pick up my brother,car wouldn't start. 
 A. who his B. who C. who's D. whose 
14. Youa hard life when you were a child. 
 A. must have B. had to C. were to have D. must have had 
15. Theof days in a week is seven. 
 A. amount B. number C. figure D. sum 
16. Don't such a lie to me. I can see you through. 
 A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell 
17. This is the most expensive car I havedriven. 
 A. always B. often C. sometimes D. ever 
Số phách 
18. Can you buy me a copy of the newspaperyour way to work ? 
 A. on B. by C. along D. for 
19. Is he going tothe meal ? 
 A. pay B. bite C. feel D. pay for 
 20. I need the frying pan so that I can make the 
 A. salad B. toast C. omelette D. honey 
In this section you will find after the reading passage a number of questions of unfinished 
statements about the passage , each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing . You must 
choose the one which you think fits best (10 points) 
 The trumpet player Louis Armstrong , or Sachem, as he usually called, was among the first 
jazz musicians to achieve international fame. He is known for the beautiful, clear tone of his 
trumpet-playing and for his singing voice. Armstrong was born into a poor family in New 
Orleans. He first learned to play the cornet at the age of 13, taking lessons while living in a 
children's home. As a teenager, he played in a number of local jazz bands in New Orleans. 
 In 1922, Armstrong moved to Chicago to play in Joe "King" Olive's band. Two years later, 
he joined Fletcher Henderson' s band. Then, from 1925 to 1928, Armstrong made a series of 
records with groups called the Hot Five, the Hot Seven, and the Savoy Ballroom Five. These 
records rank among the greatest recordings in the history of jazz. 
 Armstrong led a big band during the 1930s and 1940s, but in 1947 returned to play with 
small jazz groups. He performed all over the world and made a number of hit records, such as 
Hello, Dolly and Mack the Knife . Armstrong also appeared in a number of movies, first in New 
Orleans in 1947, High Society in 1956 and Hello, Dolly in 1969. 
21. What was Armstrong' s nickname ? 
 A. Louis B. Sachem C. Hot Five D. King Olive 
22. Which of the following best describes Armstrong ? 
 A. He was a poor musician. B. He was an international-known jazz musician. 
 C. He was a famous actor. D. He played the trumpet. 
23. In what city was Joe "King" Olive's band based ? 
 A. In New Orleans. B. In Savoy C. In Chicago D. In Armstrong's birth place 
24. Which of the following is not a movie ? 
 A. New Orleans B. High Society C. Hello, Dolly D. Mack the Knife 
25. What was the first movie Armstrong appeared in ? 
 A. High Society B. Mack the Knife C. New Orleans D. Hello, Dolly 
PAPER TWO : USE OF ENGLISH ( 60 minutes ) 
In this section you must find a word to complete the numbered blanks in the passage below. Use 
only ONE word for each blank. (15 points ) 
 Hypatia was (26).in Alexandria , in Egypt, in 370 A.D . For many centuries, 
she was (27).only woman scientist to have a place in the history books. 
 Hypatia's father was director of Alexandria University, and he (28).sure his 
daughter (29).the best education available. This was unusual, as most woman then 
had few (30).to study. 
 After studying in Athens (31).Rome, Hypatia returned 
(32).Alexandria (33).she began teaching mathematics. She soon became 
famous (34).her knowledge of new ideas. 
 We have no copies of her books, (35).we know that she wrote several 
important mathematical works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and 
(36).several scientific tools to help with (37).work. 
 At the time many rulers were afraid (38).science, and 
(39).connected with it was in danger. One day in March 415, Hypatia 
(40).attacked in the street and killed. 
Make all changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and 
phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter. (10 points) 
 Ward 23 
 Great Northern Hospital 
Dear Bill, 
I / expect / you be surprised / get / letter / me. 
41. .. 
As / can see/ address above / I be / hospital. 
42. .. 
Last Wednesday / I have / accident / when I drive / work 
43. .. 
Child / run out / front / my car / and I / have / stop / suddenly / that / car behind / crash / me 
44. .. 
Luckily / I wear / seatbelt / so I / not injured badly / although / have / stay / here / next Friday. 
45. .. 
It be / very boring / I be please / see / if you / have spare time. 
46. .. 
It be all right / you send / books / read/ you not come. 
47. .. 
Visiting hour / be / 7.00 to 9.00 / evening 
48. .. 
I / hope / able / come. 
49. .. 
Give / regards / family. 
50. .. 
Yours sincerely, 
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the 
sentence printed before it. (5 points) 
 EXAMPLE : I expect that he will get there by lunch time. 
 ANSWER : I expect him to get there by lunch time. 
51. " When did you leave school ?" the interviewer asked me. 
 The interviewer asked me.. 
52. They spend half an hour to watch the news on T.V every day. 
 It takes 
53. She was seriously ill but she enjoyed life very much. 
54. You didn't forget to mail the letter, did you ? 
 You remembered to 
55. He hasn't visited his parents for ages. 
 It is ages. 
 In about 120 words, write a passage describing the person you love most. (10 points ) 
PART 1 : You will hear an organiser talking on the radio about the Language Study 
Fair. For each question , fill in the missing information ( 10 points )
The Language Study Fair 
Dates : 17th to 19th (1).. 
Place : National Education (2).. 
Fair includes : - Stands with self-study (3).. 
- (4)..by educational speakers 
- Exhibition of furniture 
- Demonstration of latest (5)..programmes 
Opening hours 9.30a.m. - 5.00 p.m. on Thursday and (6).. 
 9.30 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. on (7).. 
Tickets £ (8).. 
 Or £3 for (9).. 
Tickets can be booked by ringing the hotline on (10).. 
PART 2 : Listen and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) 
 ( 10 points ) 
1. Mr. Leonard did not have a wife. 
2. He lived in a big house in a city. 
3. He went to the countryside for a holiday every summer. 
4. He liked clean places. 
5. He and his friend went to the Tower Hotel together . 
6. The Tower Hotel was not very nice but clean. 
7. The manager took Mr. Leonard to his room. 
8. The room looked very nice and clean. 
9. The sheets on Mr. Leonard's bed were dirty. 
10. The sheets on Mr. Leonard' s bed were not dry. 
Số phách 
1. C 6. A 11. A 16. D 
2. A 7. C 12. D 17. D 
3. D 8. C 13. D 18. A 
4. B 9. B 14. D 19. D 
5. C 10. A 15. B 20. C 
 One mark for each correct answer . Total : 20 
21. B 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. C 
 Two marks for each correct answer. Total : 10 
 Total marks for paper one : 30 
26. born 31. and 36.invented 
27.the 32.to 37.her 
28.made 33.where 38.of 
29.had 34.for 39.anyone 
30.opportunities 35.but 40.was 
 One mark for each correct word. Total : 15 
 One mark for each correct sentence. Total : 10 
51. The interviewer asked me when I had left school. 
52. It takes them half an hour to watch the news on TV every day. 
53. Although she was serious ill, she enjoyed life very much. 
54. You remembered to mail the letter, didn't you ? 
55. It is ages since he last visited his parents. 
 One mark for each correct sentence. Total : 5 
COMPOSITION : 10 marks 
 Total marks for paper two : 40 
PART 1 : 
1. March 6.Friday 
2. Centre 7.Saturday 
3. textbooks 8.5/Five 
4. talks 9.(full- time ) students 
5. computer 10.9847711 
 One mark for each correct answer. Total : 10 
PART 2 : 
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.F 
 One mark for each correct answer. Total : 10 
 Total mark for paper three : 20 
PAPER 4 : INTERVIEW : 10 marks 
 Total marks for the Test : 100 

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