Danh động từ và động từ nguyên thể

• Động từ + động từ nguyên mẫu có


agree, consent, have, offer, start, aim,

continue, hesitate, ought, stop, appear,

dare, hope, plan, strive, arrange, decide,

hurry, prefer, swear, ask, deserve,

intend, prepare, threaten, attempt, detest,

leap, proceed, try, be able, dislike, leave,

promise, beg, expect, like, propose, wait,

begin, fail, long, refuse, want, care,

forget, love, say, wish, choose, get,

mean, shoot, condescend, happen,

neglect, use

• Động từ + tân ngữ + động từ

nguyên mẫu có to

advise, choose, have, love, remind,

allow, command, hire, motivate,

require, dare, ask, instruct, order,

send, direct, beg, invite, pay, teach,

encourage, bring, lead, permit, tell,

expect, build, leave, persuade, urge,

forbid, buy, let, prepare, want, force,

challenge, like, promise, warn,

• Được dùng như một danh từ làm chủ ngữ

hoặc tân ngữ cho động từ

Eg: Swimming is a good exercise. (Bơi lội là một

môn luyện tập tốt.) (swimming là chủ ngữ của động

từ is)

I am considering buying a car. (Tôi đang suy tính

để mua một chiếc xe hơi) (buying là tân ngữ của

am considering)

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Danh động từ và động từ nguyên thể

Danh động từ và động từ nguyên thể
GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 
Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định mình 1 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 
Sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi cô NGUYỄN QUỲNH TRANG 
Phần 1: Tóm tắt lý thuyết 
Động từ nguyên mẫu (Infinitive) Danh động từ (Gerund) 
- Được dùng như một danh từ làm chủ 
ngữ hoặc tân ngữ cho động từ. 
Eg: To act like that is childish. 
(Hành động như thế thật 
trẻ con) [to act: chủ từ 
của is] 
I like to swim. 
(Tôi thích bơi) [to swim: tân ngữ của like] 
• Động từ + động từ nguyên mẫu có 
agree, consent, have, offer, start, aim, 
continue, hesitate, ought, stop, appear, 
dare, hope, plan, strive, arrange, decide, 
hurry, prefer, swear, ask, deserve, 
intend, prepare, threaten, attempt, detest, 
leap, proceed, try, be able, dislike, leave, 
promise, beg, expect, like, propose, wait, 
begin, fail, long, refuse, want, care, 
forget, love, say, wish, choose, get, 
mean, shoot, condescend, happen, 
neglect, use 
• Động từ + tân ngữ + động từ 
nguyên mẫu có to 
advise, choose, have, love, remind, 
allow, command, hire, motivate, 
require, dare, ask, instruct, order, 
send, direct, beg, invite, pay, teach, 
encourage, bring, lead, permit, tell, 
expect, build, leave, persuade, urge, 
forbid, buy, let, prepare, want, force, 
challenge, like, promise, warn, 
• Được dùng như một danh từ làm chủ ngữ 
hoặc tân ngữ cho động từ 
Eg: Swimming is a good exercise. (Bơi lội là một 
môn luyện tập tốt.) (swimming là chủ ngữ của động 
từ is) 
I am considering buying a car. (Tôi đang suy tính 
để mua một chiếc xe hơi) (buying là tân ngữ của 
am considering) 
• Động từ +danh động từ 
admit, delay, imagine, practice, advise, deny, 
involve, reject, allow, dislike, keep, resist, 
appreciate, enjoy, mention, risk, avoid, escape, 
mind, can’t help, fancy, miss, suggest, can’t stand, 
finish, permit, understand, consider, go, postpone, 
waste (time), 
• Động từ + giới từ + danh động từ 
approve of, apologize for, argue about, be accused 
of, be excited about, be used to, believe in, blame 
for, care for, complain about, concentrate on, 
confess to, count to, depend on, disapprove of, 
discourage from, dream about, feel like, forget 
about, famous for, insist on, instead of, interested 
in, keep from, look forward to, object to, plan on, 
prevent from, profit from, refrain from, succeed in, 
take care about, talk about, think about, worry 
• Danh động từ đi sau các cấu trúc sau 
+ It is no use/ It is no good 
Eg It is no use trying to make her change her mind. 
 It is no good interfering with other people’s 
+ There is no 
Eg: There is no joking about such matters. 
+ It’s worth /It‘s not worth 
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• Dùng sau các trợ động từ (may, can, 
must, will do, does, did, shall, 
Eg: Alice could not find the key. 
• Dùng sau các động từ hình thái:see, 
notice, observe, hear, feel, watch, 
Eg: I saw her get on the bus. 
• Sau các động từ: make, let 
Eg: His joke made us laugh. 
• Sau had better, would rather, cannot 
but, can do nothing but 
Eg: You‘d better think about it. 
 I‘d rather wait here a little longer. 
 I cannot but laugh whenever I think of his 
humorous remark. 
 As it was raining hard , I could do nothing 
but stay at home 
• Sau "need" "dare" and "except" 
 Eg: He needn’t do it himself. 
 Need he do it himself? 
 She dared not lie to her parents. 
 Dared she lie to her parents? 
Eg: Is the film worth seeing? 
 It is not worth going to see that film. 
+ It’s a waste of money/time 
Eg: It’s a waste of time writing the report. 
+ Have difficulty 
Eg: Mary has difficulty doing her Maths homework 
+ go 
Eg: Did you go shopping yesterday? 
+ Not 
Eg: I apologize for not being able to see you off at 
the airport tomorrow. 
1. Một số động từ có thể đi cùng với cả động từ nguyên thể và V-ing, hãy so 
sánh sự khác nhau về ý nghĩa giữa chúng. 
• Stop + to V: dừng để làm gì 
Eg: I stop to smoke (tôi dừng lại để 
hút thuốc) 
• Stop + V-ing: dừng làm gì 
Eg: Stop making noise! (Đừng làm ồn) 
• Remember/forget/regret + to V: 
nhớ/quên/tiếc sẽ phải làm gì 
Eg: Remember to send this letter (hãy nhớ gửi 
• Remember/forget/regret + V-
ing: nhớ/quên/tiếc đã làm gì 
Eg: I paid her $2. I still remember that. I 
still remember paying her $2. (tôi nhớ đã 
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bức thư này). trả cô ấy 2 đô la) 
• Try + to V: cố gắng làm gì 
Eg: I try to pass the exam. (tôi cố gắng vượt 
qua kì thi) 
• Try + V-ing: thử làm gì 
Eg: You should try unlocking the door 
with this key. (bạn nên thử mở cửa với 
chiếc khóa này) 
• Like + to V: làm việc đó vì nó là tốt 
và cần thiết. 
Eg: I want to have a job. I like to learn 
• Like + V-ing: thích làm gì vì nó 
thú vị, hay, cuốn hút, làm để 
thưởng thức 
Eg: I like watching TV. 
• Need + to V: cần làm gì 
Eg: I need to go to school today. 
• Need/want/require + V-ing: 
mang nghĩa bị động (cần được 
làm gì) 
Eg: Your hair needs cutting (tóc của bạn 
cần được cắt ngắn) 
• Used to + V: thường làm gì trong quá 
khứ (bây giờ không làm nữa) 
Eg: I used to get up early when I lived in Bac 
Giang (tôi thường dậy sớm khi tôi sống ở Bắc 
• Be used to + V-ing: quen với việc 
gì (ở hiện tại) 
Eg: I’m used to getting up early. (tôi quen 
với việc dậy sớm) 
2. So sánh 2 cấu trúc sau 
• See / hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + object + V-ing: Cấu trúc này 
được sử dụng khi người nói chỉ chứng kiến một phần của hành động: 
Eg: I see him passing my house everyday. 
She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising. 
• See / hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + object + V(nguyển thể không 
có 'to'): Cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chỉ chứng kiến 
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toàn bộ hành động: 
Eg: We saw him leave the house. 
I heard him make arrangements for his journey. 
Phân 2: LUYỆN TẬP 
EXERCISE: Gerund, infinitive and present participle 
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Note that sometimes a bare 
infinitive will be required. 
1 I was lonely at first,' the old man admitted, 'but after a time I got used to (live) alone and 
even got (like) it.' 
2 Before trains were invented people used (travel) on horseback or in stage coaches. It used 
(take) a stage coach three days (go) from London to Bath. 
3 I meant (buy) an evening paper but I .didn't see anyone (sell) them. 
4 Tom: I want (catch) the 7 a.m. train tomorrow. 
Ann: But that means (get) up at 6.00; and you're not very good at (get) up early, are 
5 He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he was afraid (complain). He was 
afraid of (lose) his job. 
6 She remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. She remembers (go) to school for the 
first time and (be) frightened and (put) her finger in her mouth. And she remembers her 
teacher (tell) her (take) it out. 
7 Did you remember (lock) the car? ~ No, I didn't. I'd better (go) back and (do) it now. 
8 No, I didn't move the bomb. I was afraid (touch) it; I was afraid of (be) blown to pieces! 
9 Next time we go (house-hunt), remember (ask) the agent for clear directions. I wasted hours 
(look) for the last house. 
10 Tom: Let's (go) for a swim. 
Ann: I'm not particularly keen on (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead? 
11 The hunters expected (be paid) by the foot for the snakes they caught. This meant (take) 
the snakes out of the sack and (measure them. They seemed (expect) me (do) it; but I wasn't 
particularly anxious (be) the first (die) of snakebite. 
12 After (spend) two days (argue) about where to go for their holiday they decided (not go) 
13 He is talking about (give) up his job and (go) (live) in the country. 
14 I was just about (leave) the office when the phone rang. It was my wife; she wanted me 
(call) at the butcher's on my way home. 
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15 He said, 'I'm terribly sorry to (keep) you (wait).' I said, It doesn't matter at all,' but he went 
on (apologize) for nearly five minutes! 
16 The lecturer began by (tell) us where the island was, and went on (talk) about its history. 
17 My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living, but I mean (show) him that he 
is wrong. 
18 Tom: I can't get my car (start) on cold mornings. 
Jack: Have you tried (fill) the radiator with hot water? That sometimes helps. 
19 Did he manage (carry) the trunk upstairs? ~ No, he didn't. He isn't strong enough (move) 
it, let alone (carry) it upstairs. 
20 Jack: Don't forget (take) a hacksaw with you. 
Ann: What's a hacksaw? And why should I (take) one with me? 
Jack: It's a tool for (cut) metal. You see, Tom is bound (get) into trouble for (take) 
photographs of the wrong things, and you'll be arrested with him. With a hacksaw 
you'll be able (saw) through the bars of your cell and (escape). 
21 Peter: Wouldn't it be better (ask) Tom (leave) his camera at home? 
Jack: It would be no good (ask) Tom (do) that. It would be like (ask) a woman (travel) 
without a handbag. 
22 I've got the loaf; now I'm looking for a breadknife (cut) it with. ~ I saw Paul (sharpen) a 
pencil with the breadknife a minute ago. 
23 We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again (ask) someone the way. 
24 When I caught them (cheat) me, I stopped (buy) petrol there and started (deal) with your 
garage instead. 
25 Do you feel like (dine) out or would you rather (have) dinner at home? ~ I'd like (go) out. 
I always enjoy (have) dinner in a restaurant. 
26 Your hair needs (cut). You'd better (have) it done tomorrow—unless you'd like me (have) 
a go at it for you. 
27 I tried (convince) him that I was perfectly capable of (manage) on my own, but he insisted 
on (help) me. 
28 Jack: I don't mind (travel) by bus, but I hate (stand) in queues. 
Tom: I don't care for (queue) either; and you waste so much time (wait) for buses. I think it's 
better (go) by tube, or taxi. 
29 He took to (follow) me about and (criticize) my work till I threatened (hit) him. 
30 I have (stay) here; I'm on duty. But you needn't (wait); you're free (go) whenever you like. 
31 In Animal Farm the old pig urged the animals (rebel) against man but he warned them (not 
adopt) man's habits. 
32 There is no point in (arrive) half an hour early. We'd only have (wait). ~ I don't mind 
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(wait). It's better (be) too early than too late. 
33 I always try (come) in quietly but they always hear me (go) upstairs. It's impossible 
(climb) an old wooden staircase at night without (make) a noise. 
34 If you agree (work) for me I'll see about (get) you a work permit. 
35 We'd better (start) early. We don't want (risk) (get) caught in a traffic jam. 
36 He suggested (call) a meeting and (let) the workers (decide) the matter themselves. 
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Remember that sometimes 
a bare infinitive is required. 
1 We suggested (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious (cam) out. 
2 Paul: Would you like (come) to a lecture on Wagner tonight? 
Ann: No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I don't like (listen) to people (talk) about it. 
3 If you want the milkman (leave) you milk in the morning, remember (put) a milk bottle 
outside your door. 
4 They let us park motorcycles here but they won't allow us (park) cars. 
5 They don't allow (smoke) in the auditorium; they don't want (risk) (set) it on fire, but you 
can (smoke) in the foyer during the interval. 
6 Mr Shaw is very busy (write) his memoirs. He is far too busy (receive) callers (he is so busy 
that he can't receive callers), so you'd better just (go) away. 
7 What about (buy) double quantities of everything today? That will save (shop) again later 
in the week. 
8 The inspector asked (see) my ticket and when I wasn't able (find) it he made me (buy) 
another. ~He probably suspected you of (try) (travel) without one. 
9 Would you like me (turn) down the radio a bit? ~ No, it's all right. I'm used to (work) with 
the radio on. 
10 One of the gang suggested (take) the body out to sea, (drop) it overboard and (pretend) 
that it had been an accident. 
11 I want the boy (grow) up hating violence but his father keeps (buy) him guns and swords. 
~ It's almost impossible (prevent) boys (play) soldiers. 
12 Would you children mind (keep) quiet for a moment? I'm trying (fill) in a form. ~ It's no 
use (ask) children (keep) quiet. They can't help (make) a noise. 
13 l'm thinking of (go) to Oxford tomorrow on my motorbike. Would you like (come)? ~ No, 
thanks. I want (go) Oxford, but I'd rather (go) by train. I loathe (travel) by road. 
14 Let's (go) (fish) today. There's a nice wind. What about (come) with us, Ann? - No, 
thanks. I'm very willing (cut) sandwiches for you but I've no intention of (waste) the 
afternoon (sit) in a boat (watch) you two (fish). 
15 He resented (be) asked (wait). He expected the minister (see) him at once. 
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16 The police have put up a railing here (prevent) people (rush) out of the station and (dash) 
straight across the road. 
17 All day long we saw the trees (toss) in the wind and heard the waves (crash) against the 
18 I didn't mean (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn't resist (try) one. 
19 Do you feel like (walk) there or shall we (take) a bus? ~ I'd rather (go) by bus. Besides, 
it'll take ages (get) there on foot. 
20 All right. When would you like (start)? In a few minutes? ~ Oh, let's wait till it stops 
(rain); otherwise we'll get soaked (walk) to the bus station. 
21 The old miser spent all his time (count) his money and (think) up new hiding-places. He 
kept (move) it about because he was terrified of (be robbed). He used (get) up at night 
sometimes (make) sure it was still there. 
22 Jack suggested (let) one flat and (keep) the other for myself. But Tom advised me (sell) 
the whole house. 
23 The child used (lean) on the gate (watch) the people (go) to work in the mornings and 
(come) home in the evenings. And he used to hear them (shout) greetings to each other and 
(talk) loudly. 
24 He soon got (know) most of them and even managed (learn) the greetings. Then they 
began (greet) him too on their way to work and sometimes would stop (talk) to him on their 
way home. 
25 He succeeded in (untie) himself, (climb) out of the window and (crawl) along a narrow 
ledge to the window of the next room. 
26 Did you have any trouble (find) the house? ~ No, but I had a lot of difficulty (get) in. 
Nobody s ... d not pretend hear 
7. The doctor advised_______ late. 
a. me not staying up b. me not stay up c. me not to stay up d. I did not stay up 
8. The school superintendent told me_______ 
a. hurrying up b. to hurry up c. hurry up d. hurried up 
9. “_______us face the enemies”, shouted the soldiers. 
a. Make b. Let c. Leave d. Keep 
10. Mr. Brown told the schoolgirls_______ in class. 
a. don’t ear b. not to eat c. eat not d. not eat 
11. I have heard Dang Thai Son_______ the piano. 
a. played b. plays c. play d. to play 
12. The young teachers wanted a Foreign Language Teaching workshop _______ in Ho Chi 
Minh City. 
a. to be holding b. should hold c. to be held d. to hold 
13. _______able to take part in the international math contest two years from now, Son works 
very hard in his math lass. 
a. In order to be b. Being c. Been d. So that he be 
14. Try_______ so many mistakes. 
a. not to make b. not make c. to make not d. make not 
15. Let me_______ from you soon. 
a. to hear b. hear c. hearing d. heard 
16. John is too stupid_______ understand this. 
a. to b. not to c. to not d. for 
17. The wind is_______ to blow the roof off. 
a. strong enough b. too strong c. quiet strong d. very strong 
18. My father is _______ to stay up late. 
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a. too tired b. enough tired c. tired enough d. so tired 
19. John wanted me_______ him. 
a. to be helping b. help c. to help d. I help 
20. I want_______ early tomorrow morning. 
a. to leave b. leaving c. me leave d. me leaving 
Exercise 7: Chọn đáp án đúng 
1. I hope_______ 
a. to see you there b. seeing you there c. you to see there d. see you there 
2. I taught_______ 
a. how mending a shirt b. him how to mend a shirt 
c. how mend a shirt d. him how mend a shirt 
3. I told_______ 
a. Nam to come b. to come Nam c. to Nam come d. Nam come 
4. My father has decided_______ a new house. 
a. find b. to find c. finding d. him find 
5. Mother warned_______ the electric plug 
a. here not to touch b. her touching not c. her not touch d. not touch 
6. Don’t tell Tan because I don’t want_______ 
a. him to know b. know c. him know d. knowing 
7. She explained_______ 
a. how to make it b. me how to make itc. me to make it d. me make it 
8. Miss Brown told Mary_______ down. 
a. sit b. to sit c. sitting d. sat 
9. She told Mary_______ up hope. 
a. not give b. do not give c. not to give d. to give not 
10. Michael Faraday wrote a litter to Sir Humphry Davy_______ for work. 
a. asked b. to ask c. so to ask d. in order to asking 
11. Do you know_______ to play that game now? 
a. way b. what c. if d. how 
12. She is very glad_______ see you again. 
a. in b. with c. to d. for 
13. He noticed two thieves_______ out of a shop. 
a. to come b. are coming c. in coming d. come 
14. When will he be allowed to go home? When will they_______? 
a. let him go b. let to go c. leave him to go d. leave him 
15. The guide encouraged the tourists_______ the Prado Museum Madrid 
a. visit b. to visit c. visiting d. to visiting 
16. Mow that were finished painting the house, there's nothing left_______ 
a. done b. did c. to do d. for doing 
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17. The superintendent promised to tear down and_______ the fire damaged school building. 
a. rebuild b. to rebuild c. rebuilding d. to rebuilding 
18. The mechanic needs_______ a new muffler on your car. 
a. to put b. putting c. to be put d. to putting 
19. Our house needs_______ 
a. to paint b. to be painting c. to be paint d. painting 
20. Do you want _______ by the doctor? 
a. to examine b. to be examined c. being examined d. being to examine 
Exercise 8: Identifying errors and correct forms of gerunds, infinitives, and simple 
1. Sports parachutes are relatively easy (controlling/to control). 
2. Sleeve bearings let pistons (to move/move) back and forth. 
3. One of the most important steps in (producing/to produce) a motion picture is film 
4. An opera singer is required (having/to have) a powerful and beautiful voice. 
5. The Wampanoag Indians taught the Pilgrims how (growing/to grow) corn. 
6. Frogs and certain kinds of birds use their tongues (to catch/catch) insects. 
7. Modems permit computers (communicating/to communicate) with one another over 
telephone lines. 
8. Smells can be more effective than any other sensory stimuli in vividly (bringing/bring) 
back memories. 
9. Isadora Martinez invented a knee transplant that allows people with severe arthritis (to 
bend/bend) their knees easily 
10. A sudden sound can make a golfer (to miss/miss) a shot. 
11. Heavy spring snows may cause the branches of trees (snap/to snap). 
12. Modern race cars store fuel in rubber bladders that are almost impossible (rupturing/to 
Exercise 9: Completing structure problems involving infinitive and gerund phrases 
(Note: One or two of the items in this exercise do NOT focus on infinitives or gerunds. 
These items are marked in the answer key with asterisks.) 
1. The most widely used material for package consumer goods is cardboard. 
2. _______________ for a career in dance generally begins at an early age. 
(A) People train 
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(B) That people train 
(C) If training 
(D) Training 
3. A baby’s first teeth ___________ are generally the lower incisors. 
(A) appearance 
(B) appear 
(C) to appear 
(D) in appearing 
4. One of the latest methods of quarrying stone is to cutting the stone with a jet torch. 
5. In 1944, biologist Charles Michener devised a system for to classify the 
approximately 20,000 species of bees. 
6. A climbing helmet ____________ protection for a rock-climber’s head from falling 
rocks and other hazards. 
(A) to provide 
(B) provides 
(C) providing 
(D) that provides 
7. Power tools require careful handling ________ injuries. 
(A) by avoiding 
(B) they avoid 
(C) to avoid 
(D) that avoid 
8. Geothermal energy is energy obtaining by using heat from the earth’s interior. 
9. An electromagnet is created ___________ electrical current through a coil of wire. 
(A) by passing 
(B) passes by 
(C) to be passed 
(D) passed 
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10. ________________________ at home requires only three types of chemicals, several 
pieces of simple equipment, and running water. 
(A) For the development of film 
(B) To develop film 
(C) When film is developed 
(D) In developing film 
11. Brown lung is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling dust from cotton or some 
another fiber. 
12. The purpose of cost accounting is_________________________ involved in 
producing and selling a good or service. 
(A) as a determination of its costs 
(B) the costs determined 
(C) that determines the costs 
(D) to determine the costs 
13. __________________ was one of the most difficult tasks pioneers faced on their 
journeys west. 
(A) Crossing rivers 
(B) While crossing rivers 
(C) Rivers being crossed 
(D) By crossing rivers 
14. It is the facets cut into a diamond that make it to sparkle. 
15. Bathe in mineral water has long been believed to have beneficial effects. 
16. Energy can be defined as the ability_______________. 
(A) do working 
(B) to do work 
(C) doing work 
(D) work to be done 
17. The process of _______________ by hand has changed little since the fifteenth 
(A) to bind books 
(B) binding books 
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(C) books are bound 
(D) bound books 
18. Robert A. Moog developed an electronic device that could be used for play 
synthesized music. 
19. __________________________ often obtain funds from the sale of stocks. 
(A) For corporations to operate 
(B) The operation of corporations 
(C) Corporations operate by 
(D) To operate, corporations 
20. A crescent wrench has adjustable jaws for __________ a nut, bolt, or pipe. 
(A) to grip 
(B) they grip 
(C) gripping 
(D) gripped 
Exercise 10: For Sentence Completion items, select the answer choice—(A), (B), (C), or 
(D)—which correctly completes the sentence. For Error Identification items, select the 
answer choice—(A), (B), (C), or (D)—that corresponds to the underlined portion of the 
sentence that would not be considered correct. 
1. ____________, an organism must be able to adapt to changing factors in its environment. 
(A) If survival 
(B) For surviving 
(C) To survive 
(D) It survives 
2. Bricks can be made from many difference types of clay. 
3. The narrow blades of speed skates allow ____________________ speeds of up to 30 miles 
per hour. 
(A) for skaters maintaining 
(B) skaters to maintain 
(C) skaters maintain 
(D) maintenance by skaters 
4. The game backgammon has been playing since ancient times. 
5. The Mummers’ Parade has ____________ every year in Philadelphia on New Year’s Day 
since 1901. 
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(A) holding 
(B) been holding 
(C) held 
(D) been held 
6. Before the late eighteenth century, most textiles were done at home. 
7. Political science, alike the other social sciences, is not an exact science. 
8. ____________________ on barren slopes can help prevent erosion. 
(A) Planting trees 
(B) For trees to be planted 
(C) In order to plant trees 
(D) Trees are planted 
9. Animals that hibernate usually eat large numbers of food in the autumn. 
10. Lightly, sandy soil absorbs water more quickly than clay or loam. 
11. In 1870 Hiram R. Revels ______________the first African American to be elected to the 
U.S. Senate. 
(A) becoming 
(B) became 
(C) to have become 
(D) has become 
12. During the Depression of the 1930s, many artists were giving jobs by the Federal Arts 
13. Sand dunes are made of loose sand__________ up by the action of the wind. 
(A) it builds 
(B) builds 
(C) is building 
(D) built 
14. A feeding animal will usually permit competitors approaching only within a certain area, 
the boundaries of which are called its feeding territory. 
15. It is a chemical called capsaicin that gives hot peppers their spice flavor. 
16. Amber is a hard, yellowish-brown ___________________ from the resin of pine trees 
that lived millions of years ago. 
(A) substance formed 
(B) to form a substance 
(C) substance has formed 
(D) forming a substance 
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17. The University of Wisconsin was the first school to make a serious effort to teaching 
students public administration. 
18. Diaries and journals writing during Colonial times provide the best records of that era. 
19. Snowshoes let a person to walk on snow without sinking into it because they distribute 
the person’s weight over a wide area. 
20. Beams of ultrasonic sound waves can be send through pieces of metal to detect flaws. 
21. A deep-tissue massage is a type of massage therapy __________________ on one part of 
the body, such as the lower back. 
(A) its concentration is 
(B) concentrating 
(C) why it concentrates 
(D) to be concentrated 
22. Some plants and insects exhibit so high degree of interdependence that the elimination of 
one results in the elimination of the other. 
23. Founded in 1620, Plymouth was the soonest of the five colonies established by the 
Pilgrims in Massachusetts. 
24. Trucks can be used to transport a wide various of cargoes. 
25. The astronomer George Hale was a pioneer in the art of photograph the sun. 
Đáp án 
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Note that sometimes a bare 
infinitive will be required. 
1living, to like 2 to travel; to take, to go 3 to buy; selling 4 to catch; getting, getting 5 to 
complain; losing 6 going, being, putting; telling, to take 7 to lock; go, do 8 to touch, being 9 
house-hunting, to ask; looking 10 go; swimming; going 11 to be paid; taking, measuring; to 
expect, to do, to be, to die 12 spending, arguing, not to go 13 giving, going to live 14 to leave; 
to call 15 keep you waiting; apologizing 16 telling, to talk 17 earning, to show 18 to start; 
filling 19 to carry; to move, carry 20 to take; take; cutting; to get, taking; to saw, escape 21 to 
ask, to leave; asking Tom to do; asking, to travel 22 to cut; sharpening 23 to buy, to ask 24 
cheating, buying, dealing/to deal 25 dining, have; to go; having 26 cutting/to be cut; have, to 
have 27 to convince, managing, helping 28 travelling, standing; queuing, waiting; to go 29 
following, criticizing, to hit 30 to stay; wait; to go 31 to rebel, not to adopt 32 arriving; to 
wait, waiting: to be 33 to come, going; to climb, making 34 to work, getting 35 start; to risk 
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getting 36 calling, letting, decide 
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Remember that sometimes 
a bare infinitive is required. 
1 sleeping, to camp 2 to come; listening, listening, talking 3 to leave, to put 4 to park 5 
smoking, to risk setting, smoke 6 writing, to receive, go 7 buying; shopping 8 to see, to find, 
buy; trying to travel 9 to turn; working 10 taking, dropping, pretending 11 to grow, buying; to 
prevent, playing 12 keeping; to fill; asking, to keep; making 13 going; to come; to go, go; 
travelling 14 go fishing: 
coming; to cut, wasting, sitting, watching, fishing 15 being, to wait; to see 16 to prevent, 
rushing, dashing 17 tossing, crashing 18 to eat, trying 19 walking, take; go; to get 20 to start; 
raining, walking 21counting, thinking; moving, being robbed; to get, to make 22 letting, 
keeping, to sell 23 to lean, watching, going, coming; shouting, talking 24 to know, to learn; to 
greet/greeting, to talk 25 untying, climbing, crawling 26 finding; getting; to know 27 to 
see/seeing, sitting; relaxing, reading, produce, to be; performing, keeping 28 spending, living, 
to think, selling, returning 29 arguing; argue; seeing 30 to hear; seeing; to bring 31 receiving, 
selling; receiving, selling, to sell 32 hovering, being, climbing; run/running; coming/come, 
leading 33 to be passing, to give, to pick, to drop 34 having; to have; sitting, swirling, taking 
35 writing, showing 36 swim; swimming; going 
Exercise 3: 
Exercise 4: 
Exercise 5: 
Exercise 6: 
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1d 2a 3c 4b 5c 6c 7c 8b 9b 10b 
11c 12c 13a 14b 15b 16a 17a 18a 19c 20a 
Exercise 7: 
1a 2b 3a 4b 5a 6a 7a 8b 9c 10b 
11d 12c 13d 14a 15b 16c 17a 18a 19d 20b 
Exercise 8: 
Exercise 9: 
Exercise 10: 
GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 
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