Bài giảng Công nghệ Java - Chương 12: Java Collections - Trần Quang Diệu

Java 2 Collections

• A collection is an object that groups multiple

elements into a single unit

• Very useful

– store, retrieve and manipulate data

– transmit data from one method to another

– data structures and methods written by hotshots in the


• Joshua Bloch, who also wrote the Collections tutorial

• Unified architecture for representing and

manipulating collections.

• A collections framework contains three things

– Interfaces

– Implementations

– Algorithms

pdf 38 trang kimcuc 2020
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Bài giảng Công nghệ Java - Chương 12: Java Collections - Trần Quang Diệu
4/7/2018 1
Quang Dieu Tran PhD.
Readings and References
• References
– "Collections", Java tutorial
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Java 2 Collections
• A collection is an object that groups multiple 
elements into a single unit
• Very useful
– store, retrieve and manipulate data
– transmit data from one method to another
– data structures and methods written by hotshots in the 
• Joshua Bloch, who also wrote the Collections tutorial
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Collections Framework
• Unified architecture for representing and 
manipulating collections. 
• A collections framework contains three things
– Interfaces
– Implementations
– Algorithms
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Collections Framework Diagram
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•Interfaces, Implementations, and Algorithms
•From Thinking in Java, page 462 
Collection Interface
• Defines fundamental methods
– int size();
– boolean isEmpty();
– boolean contains(Object element);
– boolean add(Object element); // Optional
– boolean remove(Object element); // Optional
– Iterator iterator();
• These methods are enough to define the basic 
behavior of a collection
• Provides an Iterator to step through the elements in 
the Collection
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Iterator Interface
• Defines three fundamental methods
– Object next()
– boolean hasNext()
– void remove()
• These three methods provide access to the 
contents of the collection
• An Iterator knows position within collection
• Each call to next() “reads” an element from the 
– Then you can use it or remove it
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Iterator Position
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Example - SimpleCollection
public class SimpleCollection {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Collection c;
c = new ArrayList();
for (int i=1; i <= 10; i++) { 
c.add(i + " * " + i + " = "+i*i);
Iterator iter = c.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
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List Interface Context
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List Interface
• The List interface adds the notion of order to a 
• The user of a list has control over where an element 
is added in the collection
• Lists typically allow duplicate elements
• Provides a ListIterator to step through the elements 
in the list.
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ListIterator Interface
• Extends the Iterator interface
• Defines three fundamental methods
– void add(Object o) - before current position
– boolean hasPrevious()
– Object previous()
• The addition of these three methods defines the 
basic behavior of an ordered list
• A ListIterator knows position within list
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Iterator Position - next(), previous()
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ArrayList and LinkedList Context
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ArrayList LinkedList
List Implementations
• ArrayList
– low cost random access
– high cost insert and delete
– array that resizes if need be
• LinkedList
– sequential access
– low cost insert and delete
– high cost random access
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ArrayList overview
• Constant time positional access (it’s an array)
• One tuning parameter, the initial capacity
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public ArrayList(int initialCapacity) {
if (initialCapacity < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Illegal Capacity: "+initialCapacity);
this.elementData = new Object[initialCapacity];
ArrayList methods
• The indexed get and set methods of the List interface are 
appropriate to use since ArrayLists are backed by an array
– Object get(int index)
– Object set(int index, Object element)
• Indexed add and remove are provided, but can be costly if 
used frequently
– void add(int index, Object element) 
– Object remove(int index)
• May want to resize in one shot if adding many elements
– void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity)
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LinkedList overview
• Stores each element in a node
• Each node stores a link to the next and previous 
• Insertion and removal are inexpensive
– just update the links in the surrounding nodes
• Linear traversal is inexpensive
• Random access is expensive
– Start from beginning or end and traverse each node while 
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LinkedList entries
private static class Entry {
Object element;
Entry next;
Entry previous;
Entry(Object element, Entry next, Entry previous) {
this.element = element;
this.next = next;
this.previous = previous;
private Entry header = new Entry(null, null, null);
public LinkedList() {
header.next = header.previous = header;
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LinkedList methods
• The list is sequential, so access it that way
– ListIterator listIterator()
• ListIterator knows about position
– use add() from ListIterator to add at a position
– use remove() from ListIterator to remove at a position
• LinkedList knows a few things too
– void addFirst(Object o), void addLast(Object o) 
– Object getFirst(), Object getLast()
– Object removeFirst(), Object removeLast() 
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Set Interface Context
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Set Interface
• Same methods as Collection
– different contract - no duplicate entries
• Defines two fundamental methods
– boolean add(Object o) - reject duplicates
– Iterator iterator()
• Provides an Iterator to step through the elements 
in the Set
– No guaranteed order in the basic Set interface
– There is a SortedSet interface that extends Set
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HashSet and TreeSet Context
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HashSet TreeSet
• Find and add elements very quickly
– uses hashing implementation in HashMap
• Hashing uses an array of linked lists
– The hashCode() is used to index into the array
– Then equals() is used to determine if element is in the 
(short) list of elements at that index
• No order imposed on elements
• The hashCode() method and the equals() method 
must be compatible
– if two objects are equal, they must have the same 
hashCode() value
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• Elements can be inserted in any order
• The TreeSet stores them in order
– Red-Black Trees out of Cormen-Leiserson-Rivest
• An iterator always presents them in order
• Default order is defined by natural order
– objects implement the Comparable interface
– TreeSet uses compareTo(Object o) to sort
• Can use a different Comparator
– provide Comparator to the TreeSet constructor
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Map Interface Context
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Map Interface
• Stores key/value pairs
• Maps from the key to the value
• Keys are unique 
– a single key only appears once in the Map
– a key can map to only one value
• Values do not have to be unique
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Map methods
Object put(Object key, Object value)
Object get(Object key)
Object remove(Object key)
boolean containsKey(Object key)
boolean containsValue(Object value)
int size()
boolean isEmpty()
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Map views
• A means of iterating over the keys and values in a Map
• Set keySet()
– returns the Set of keys contained in the Map
• Collection values()
– returns the Collection of values contained in the Map. 
This Collection is not a Set, as multiple keys can map to 
the same value. 
• Set entrySet()
– returns the Set of key-value pairs contained in the 
Map. The Map interface provides a small nested 
interface called Map.Entry that is the type of the 
elements in this Set. 
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HashMap and TreeMap Context
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HashMap TreeMap
HashMap and TreeMap
• HashMap
– The keys are a set - unique, unordered
– Fast
• TreeMap
– The keys are a set - unique, ordered
– Same options for ordering as a TreeSet
• Natural order (Comparable, compareTo(Object))
• Special order (Comparator, compare(Object, Object))
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Bulk Operations
• In addition to the basic operations, a Collection may 
provide “bulk” operations
boolean containsAll(Collection c);
boolean addAll(Collection c); // Optional
boolean removeAll(Collection c); // Optional
boolean retainAll(Collection c); // Optional
void clear(); // Optional
Object[] toArray();
Object[] toArray(Object a[]);
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Utilities Context
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• The Collections class provides a number of static 
methods for fundamental algorithms
• Most operate on Lists, some on all Collections
– Sort, Search, Shuffle
– Reverse, fill, copy
– Min, max
• Wrappers
– synchronized Collections, Lists, Sets, etc
– unmodifiable Collections, Lists, Sets, etc
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Legacy classes
• Still available
• Don’t use for new development
– unless you have to, eg, J2ME, J2EE in some cases
• Retrofitted into Collections framework
• Hashtable
– use HashMap
• Enumeration
– use Collections and Iterators
– if needed, can get an Enumeration with 
Collections.enumeration(Collection c)
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More Legacy classes
• Vector
– use ArrayList
• Stack
– use LinkedList 
• BitSet
– use ArrayList of boolean, unless you can’t stand the 
thought of the wasted space
• Properties
– legacies are sometimes hard to walk away from 
– see next few pages
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Properties class
• Located in java.util package
• Special case of Hashtable
– Keys and values are Strings
– Tables can be saved to/loaded from file
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System properties
• Java VM maintains set of properties that 
define system environment
– Set when VM is initialized
– Includes information about current user, VM 
version, Java environment, and OS configuration
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Properties prop = System.getProperties();
Enumeration e = prop.propertyNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) e.nextElement();
System.out.println(key + " value is " + 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfbai_giang_cong_nghe_java_chuong_12_java_collections_tran_qua.pdf